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What is permanent makeup?


Permanent makeup is a type of cosmetic enhancement that gives you a sweat-proof, ready-to-go look. Instead of applying the pigments onto your skin, we insert natural pigments into your skin through a process called intradermal pigmentation. The process has been proven to be safe and effective for people of all skin types.


Think of permanent makeup up as a kind of tattooing, even though the process and product are different. The pigment is not inserted as deep into the skin, and the treatment process is much gentler on the skin compared to a regular tattoo.


Touchups should be performed every year or so in order to maintain a sharp appearance and vibrant color.


To see pricing and all treatments offered click here.

What is BB Glow?   $199.00 *Watch for Specials*

BB GLOW Microneedling


The process of the treatment is the same as a simple microneedling facial, this works by rolling tiny needles across the skin. This is a highly effective machine that helps increase skins collagen and elastin. These tiny pinpricks force the skin to heal and build up stronger than before, the machine also deposits serum deeper into the skin.



How long does BB Glow last?


This will depend on your skin condition and the amount of care taken. For first-timers, this will last about a week or just a little bit longer. It's recommended to have multiple treatments which will lead to increased longevity and more coverage.



Is there any downtime?

No, you can go back to day-to-day life immediately but the treatment area should be left untouched for 24 hours. Your skin may look shiny for this time and gradually start to feel dry which is the skin's natural response.


How many treatments are needed?

This treatment is great before a special event or weekend away, however, if you would like the results to last longer we recommend building up coverage over the course of 3-4 treatments spread equally over a maximum of 10 days apart.


Does it hurt?

The treatment is a little uncomfortable in some areas however tightness and tingling after treatment is completely normal.

After Care

Eyebrow Aftercare


Day 1

  • Keep brows dry and out of the sun, away from humidity. 

  • The procedure area may look off-color, darker, and crisper. The actual shape, depth, and color results will show after about 4–6 weeks. 

  • Wash lightly with a mild Castile diluted soap provided for 2-5 days.  

  • Pat dry, When completely dry add cream provided lightly, do not slather.


Day 2-5

  • Wash brows within 24 hours at night preferably only for the first 4-5 days.

  • Apply cream lightly morning and night.

  • No steaming hot showers, sauna, jacuzzi, or swimming. You must stay out of the sun and tanning beds!

  • When peeling occurs use cream sparingly and dry heal as much as possible

  • When flaking, peeling, or crusting appears, DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR SCRATCH, it may cause the color to heal unevenly.

  • After approximately 7 days use a sunblock 15 SPF or higher to help maintain color and help reduce fading.


Day 5-10

  • Dry heal the rest of the process - no water, no cream.

  • When flaking, peeling, or crusting appears, DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR SCRATCH.

  • It may look like you are losing some pigment and may lighten A LOT. Don’t worry, this is normal. This is the new skin coming out and the epidermis is peeling.


Day 10-15

  • Your epidermis top layer of skin will peel and new skin will appear lightly but your brows will darken each day. Trust the process.

  • Beware of clothing and sleeping. When removing clothing you may remove chunks of the scabs.


Day 30-45

  • After a month you will see your brows fully healed. 

  • A touch-up maybe needed in a few spots if there are areas that didn’t hold during the healing process.


Eyeliner Aftercare

  • After the procedure, the area will look off-color, darker and crisper. Actual depth and color results will show in 4 – 6 weeks. Color may lighten up to 30 %.

  • Wash using your fingers the first 2 days with a mild diluted soap.  Pat dry, wait 10 minutes, and apply the given ointment lightly with a Q‑tip 3 – 4 times daily.

  • Eyes may have mild swelling, which usually lasts from a few hours to a few days and maybe tender or tight.

  • Use lubricating eye drops, if needed. ( No eye whiteners such as Visine. )

  • When flaking, peeling or crusting appears, DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR SCRATCH, it may cause the color to heal unevenly. Simply re-apply ointment lightly.

  • After the procedure, no eyelash curler or make‑up on the procedure area for 4 days. When you resume using mascara use a new tube!

  • Do not use any eyelash stimulant products or put on lash extensions for 2 weeks.

  • No steaming hot showers, sauna, jacuzzi, or swimming. You must stay out of the sun and tanning beds!


Lip Color Aftercare

  • Wash using your fingers at least once a day with a mild diluted soap for 2 days. Pat dry, wait 10 minutes and apply given ointment lightly with a Q‑tip 3–4 times daily.

  • When flaking, peeling or crusting appears, DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR SCRATCH, it may cause the color to heal unevenly. Simply re-apply ointment lightly.

  • 4 – 6 days after procedure lips will appear very off-color, considerably darker, or brighter and feel tight until the healing and peeling of the surface layer.

  • Avoid toothpaste on lips, use water instead. No hot liquids drink through a straw, do not wipe lips with a napkin, just blot.

  • After the peeling takes place, lips will be slightly off-color, spotty, and light in places for approximately 3 ‑ 4 weeks until the full color develops.  Lip color will lighten and soften up to 40%.

  • No steaming hot showers, sauna, jacuzzi, or swimming. You must stay out of the sun and tanning beds!

  • After your lips heal you must wear at least a 25 SPF sunblock in your chapstick or lip gloss at all times.

  • If applicable, continue with any prescribed antiviral medicines.


Your future enhancement schedule is as follows:


  • Due to a variety of factors your color will fade and soften over time.  Some of these factors include; health of the skin, sun, chlorine, skincare, medications, and overall health.

  • As with any beauty treatment, you can freshen and revitalize your color at any time.  If you schedule your enhancement within 2 years (24 months) of the original procedure date the reduced enhancement fee


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